世界的に有名なヒップホップダンスグループ【The Soul brothers】C MackのWORKSHOP決定(※4/15開催)

C Mack aka Kraig E(世界的に有名なヒップホップダンスグループ、The Soul brothersの一員)は、米国西海岸のヒップホップダンスと振り付けのパイオニアの一人と考えられています。C Mackは、1989年以来、ヒップホップファッション、ストリートスタイル、ファッションの世界的基準を確立してきました。C Mackは、Black Eyed PeasやUsherのようなグループに、無数のダンサー、歌手、MC、地球儀。C Mackは、200,000以上のロサンゼルスコロシアムでNelson Mandelaのリリースを祝う特別パフォーマンスのために、Ice T、Tone Loc、Ice Cubeで最も有名なビデオ(Remember The Time)でMichael Jacksonと仕事をした実績もある実力派のレジェンドダンサーです。
2018.4/15(sun)@DANCEWORKS THEATER studio
20:45-22:15 HIPHOP CLASS(OPEN-20:15)
伝説のHipHopチーム「Soul Brothers」C Mack がDance Worksに登場。
1989年よりHipHopの最前線に君臨していたC Mack、アメリカ西海岸のリアルなダンスを体験出来る数少ないチャンスです。また、ラッパーとしても有名であり「Kraig E」として数多くの名曲を世に送り出している。
自分に足りない大切なパーツをこの機会に取り入れよう!!by Nabe
DANCE WORKS会員 / Rei Dance Collection会員 / AngelR会員 ☞ 3,500yen
ビジター☞ 4,000yen
ご予約はコチラ(※Reservation Needed)
【A.K.A Kraig E】
C Mack aka Kraig E (member of the world renown hip hop dance group The Soul brothers) to most is considered one of the pioneers of Hip hop dancing and choreography on the west coast, USA and worldwide. C Mack has set the standard for hip hop fashion, street style and fashion on a worldwide level since 1989. C Mack has influenced such groups as the Black Eyed Peas and Usher just to name a few from countless dancers, singers, mc’s and dj’s across the globe. C Mack worked with Michael Jackson on one of his most famous videos (Remember the Time) and was featured with Ice T, Tone Loc and Ice Cube for a special performance in celebration of the release of Nelson Mandela at the Los Angeles Coliseum with over 200,000 in attendance. C Mack was even a warm up dancer for The Ricki Lake show, worked as a choreographer for the NY Knickerbockers and modeled for Richard Avedon famed photographer for Calvin Klein. C Mack has a talent of bringing the real rhythms out in any individual he has the pleasure
of working with. His main interest is to bring the truth to the world about street dance and its contributions from the black community from which he was raised. C Mack has taught workshops and master classes at the most famous institutions in the USA and Japan like Lu La Washington’s dance academy (LA) California, Booker T Sparks Dance Academy (TX) and Exile Dance studios (Tokyo Japan).
C Mack toured throughout Japan specifically Tokyo and Fukuoka with legendary dancers Greg Campbellock JR and Fred (Penguin) Re Run from the renowned Lockers from (LA). C Mack has taught workshops and master hip hop classes in Japan, Hong Kong, Finland, Switzerland, Jordan, Lebanon, Malaysia, and Singapore just to name some of the countries. C Mack has touched many in the entertainment industry with his concept of Hip hop and his legendary style called Soul Brother Boogie. C Macks foundation is SOUL…..being inspired by artist like James brown, Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, Nickolaus Brothers, Gene Kelley and Fred Astaire he continues to bring this inspiration to every country and people he meets. C Mack aka Kraig E is an entertainer as well as international ambassador for the movement of street dance and hip hop culture.
Five Footaz Stage Show
IMX Stage Show
Black Eye Peas Stage Show
Ralph Tresvant (video Stone Cold)
Troop Stage Show
Laquan Stage Show
BBD Stage Show
TV Performances Pump It Up/ FOX
In Living Color FOX MTV Japan
Pat Sajak/ CBS
Arsenio Hall/ FOX
Yo! MTV Raps/ MTV
Rap City /BET
Ricki Lake
Soul Train
MTV Holland
Michael Jackson Video / Remember the Time
Dr. Dre Video / Keep Your Heads Ringing
Young MC / Bust A Move
Pebbles / Backyard
Ed OG / Bugaboo
M C Hammer / Turn this mutha out
Freestyle Fellowship / Hot Potato
MC Trouble/ Got to get a grip
Wailing Souls / All Over The world
Snoop Doggy Dog / Upside Your Head
Pebbles / Backyard
DOC / Funky Enough
Brownstone / Prove It
Usher / Pop Your Collar
Naughty by Nature / Holiday
Buju Banton / Champion
Def Jef / Dropping Rhymes on Drums
Here We Go Again
Black to the Future
New Generation
Black Is Beautiful
Jumah Friday
Thank You Lord
Born, J- R0 (White Lines)